
Welcome belle âme (French for beautiful soul)! I'm stoked to have you here!

Let me give you some bits and bobs about myself. 

Charming, balanced,  inspiring harmony and joyful connections is how I shine as a Libra.


Adventurous spirit, emotional freedom, and endless curiosity fuel my Sagittarius Moon.


Embrace intuition, creativity, and deep emotional wisdom as a Pisces Sun.





My signs

My purpose is to guide you toward abundance by helping you find joy in life, no matter the circumstances, without bypassing or dismissing your challenges. I'm here to show you that joy can exist alongside the messiness of life, that you don't need to bypass your struggles or gaslight yourself into positivity. I believe in embracing the fullness of life - the ups and downs - while reconnecting you with the joy that is your birthright. My chart aligns me to support your transformation in a way that is compassionate, grounded, and empowering, so that you can embrace life's ups and downs without denying your truth.

As an astrologer, spiritual coach, and neurographic artist, I integrate emotional depth with practical action. My work is rooted in nurturing energy and driven by transformative power.

House System: Whole Sign

Zodiacal System: Tropical

Astrology Specialty: Astrocartography and Zodiacal Releasing

I guide you to see life from a broader perspective, helping you recognize that even in the most difficult moments, there is space for joy and growth. My words and insights provide emotional clarity, while helping you honor your feelings - not suppress them - so that you can move forward with a sense of freedom and possibility.

I'm uniquely positioned to help you dive deep into the emotional and spiritual blockages that keep you from living with joy. My approach isn't about putting a band-aid on your struggles - it's about transforming the way you engage with them. I help you uncover the lessons within your challenges.

House System: Whole Sign

Zodiacal System: Tropical

Astrology Specialty: Astrocartography and Zodiacal Releasing

I bring a fresh, innovative perspective to our sessions. My approach to joy is not about following the conventional path, but about finding what lights you up in ways that are unique and authentic to you. I help you discover joy in unexpected places, encouraging you to embrace your individuality while honoring the full spectrum of your emotional experience and part of the whole.

I'm here to show you that joy is possible, even in tough times. My soul's purpose is to help you honor your emotions, transform your challenges, and embrace the abundant, authentic life you deserve.

House System: Whole Sign

Zodiacal System: Tropical

Astrology Specialty: Astrocartography and Zodiacal Releasing



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Whether it's through a cosmic map reading or a thoughtful conversation, or creative expression I’m here to inspire you to live in alignment with the stars, your spirit, and your joy!

We'll be in touch soon!

Thank you!

Let’s Create Something Beautiful Together!





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